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We’ll help you bring amazing events to life.


Though not on the stage, or even behind the scenes. Mesh Projects lives in the seamless business

processes, the reduced stress and the high-fives of a company running a well-functioning event management software programme.


Australasia’s go-to independent Momentus support and project specialists and the only New Zealand-based experts, we’re masters at helping event teams get the most out of their event management software.


Practical, tailored advice and on-call training saves you time and money, takes the headache out of any event planning software and helps your event team focus on what they’re good at, creating memorable,

uber-organised events. Find out how we’ve helped other venues get extra value from Momentus software.


Bought Momentus or another event, venue or conference management software and unsure where to start? Need refresher or new feature training to keep up to speed? We’ll help you map out an action plan.


Read more about our services, find out how we’ve helped other venues succeed or if you’re ready to chat

- we’d love to hear from you.



Stacey Hurley | Momentus Specialist and Project Manager

Stacey understands the challenges of creating spectacular events. ​With more than a decade working in Australasian event and venue management, she has a knack for finding ways your event management software can work smarter.


With frank, independent advice and practical training and support she empowers your staff to become adept, knowledgeable Momentus users. This means implementation is made easy, processes are seamless, updates are no problem and your team gains the skills and confidence to manage the software day-to-day. That’s less stress, fewer errors and a bucket-load of savings right there.


Diligent and approachable, Stacey is a qualified project manager, Crystal Report Developer, talented trainer, business analyst and application administrator. A keynote speaker at the 2015 Ungerboeck Asia-Pacific Conference, she described her award winning H3 business improvement project to experts from around the world and more recently powered a business-wide Ungerboeck Software implementation project for the newly opened Optus Stadium in Perth.

On the hunt for the best event management software, Stacey will recommend the best software for your venue size and requirements and help you make a plan. Read more about our services.


Contact Stacey on +64274319718 or

What’s giving you and your events team a headache? What are the pain points? We zero in on the gap between your business goals and the way you’re using Ungerboeck softwar...
#2: Your free software audit
30 min
Obligation free chat

Based in Tauranga, New Zealand

Serving Australasia

© 2024 Mesh Project Co Ltd

Stacey Hurley


M: +64 274319718

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