Our clients know us well. From selection to full user adoption, an event management software project can take anywhere from 12 weeks to two years. That’s a lot of coffee and plenty of chat! In fact, that’s what makes our job so interesting and satisfying; we get to know the venue, the events, the roles and best of all, the people that make it all happen.
Hear what our friends have to say about us:
“Stacey Gavin from Mesh Projects has delivered a fantastic result of the Ungerboeck Business Systems (UBS) Implementation for VenuesLive at Optus Stadium, Perth. Stacey’s leadership of the UBS project team has enabled VenuesLive’s team to design and build one of the most comprehensive UBS installations in Australia. I cannot recommend Stacey highly enough for her project team leadership, intelligent analysis, industry experience and system knowledge, and the results achieved, all delivered with an inclusive and patient approach and the highest standard of professionalism.”
Craig McMaster, Chief Marketing and Information Officer
“You have completed an outstanding body of work for the organisation. This has led to significant positive transformation change for the H3 business.
Your strict attention to detail, project management disciplines, resource and time management has been exemplary. The fact that you have nurtured and gained the respect of the team in a challenging and time scarce operating environment has been a key to the success of the business systems and processes review project you have led on our behalf”
Sean Murray, Executive Director
H3 Group
“Stacey worked alongside our key users to create customised software user guides and delivered business-wide training for the newly upgraded version of Ungerboeck Software”
Darren Burden, Chief Executive
"Stacey is highly organised, detail-focussed and a proficient project manager. She provided a structured approach to our transition from Ungerboeck V19 to V20."
Jeanette Brown, ICT Manager
Bay Venues
"The words ‘improved’, ‘empowered’ and ‘freed up time'… are pretty much what I would have to say."
Megan Peacock-Coyle, Manager
new venues, implementing full-suite of modules including financials, existing venues, implementation of additional modules
existing venues upgraded to the latest version to access new features and bug-fixes
WORKFLOW DESIgn & OPtimisation
projects complimented their software installation or upgrade by reviewing existing practices for efficiency gains
users across 9 organisations in 2 countries